
hello guys , today i show you that how you can increase your BAP points in paidverts .BAP points are backbone of our earning in paidverts. Higher the BAp higer value add you get . TO increase your BAP points without investing you can watch BAp adds daily which are 16. This is slow process to increase your BAP POint. THe other method is to buy adds . When you invest 1$ on buying adds you get in return 1.55$ add . .55$ is the profit . When you invest one dollar you get 3100 BAPs and you are in first group of BAp s point . BAPs groups are 14 . you can see below groups and their ranges.
TO increase your BAPs click on buy adds then click on create campaign fill the form  . Enter you web URL .Upload the image if not then click on opt out  .Then upload banner if not then click on opt out .Then write three lines you want .Then select the payment method through which you pay.
Then select the quantity of  add pack you want.Then click on purchase adds and pay .
Now you BAps increased and you received  higher value adds . 


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